Bill McClain
Steer Chair
Johnny Albritton
Swine Chair
Bill McClain
Show Arena/Auctioneer Chair
B.C. Drymon
Plant Show & Sale Chair
Ken Richards Beck Richards
Small Animal Chair Small Animal Ass't.
Andy Behn
Dairy Chair
Johnny B. Albritton
Beef Chair
Andy Behn
Goat Chair
Don Strickland
Judging Chair
Shirley Fernandez
Dog Show Chair
Tina Thomas
Llama Show Chair
Miniature Horse Chair
Sarah Davis
4-H Extension Agent
Randy Thies
FFA Agent
Christina Schook, Tina Thomas
Show & Exhibitor Coordinator
Bill McClain
Barn Coordinator
Johnny B. Albritton
Assistant Barn Coordinator
Andy Behn
Assistant Barn Coordinator
Rory S. Martin
Special Thanks and Recognition for veterinarian services and medications
donated by: Members of the Southwest Florida Veterinary Medical Association,
Orrin Webb, Walco Animal Health Pfizer Animal Health /Sarasota Animal Hospital.
Special Thanks and Recognition for their services, help and generosity to:
Sarasota County Cattlemen’s Association, Florida Nursery Growers Association,
and to all the sponsors, parents, club leaders, advisors, judges, volunteers and
buyers … THANK YOU!!!